Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I leaned against the pillar of the Gazebo. I stretched my legs out and sighed. I closed my eyes as a cool breeze blew around me. The wind made lovely swishing noises as it blew between the coconut trees and several other trees that were planted across the grove.

The winding path between the trees were laid in cobble stone, lined on either side with dwarf like shrubs. Rays of sunshine filtered through the trees lighting up the place with a subtle glow. Flowers of several colors that blossomed here and there swayed lightly in the breeze.

While a few birds were flying here and there, trying to build a nest, others hopped around making chirping noises. Squirrels chased each other, butterflies fluttered from flower to flower and dragon flies zoomed past.

A man made waterfall right behind where I was sitting made gurgling noises as the water flowed into a small shallow pool filled with water lilies. Ducks, big and small, swam around in the water.

I heard the gush of water as the gardener watered the plants and as the water fell to the warm ground I inhaled the divine smell that arose all around me.

As I tune in to the peace and calm around me, I feel myself relax and take a deep breath.

I open my eyes to the cool breeze of the Air conditioner in my office. The beep on my phone. The sounds of the printer, fax machine and copier. The honk of cars caught in the traffic just outside my office on the flyover. The hammering and drilling noises from the construction going on in the floor above.

My colleague walks into my cubicle smiling..."dreaming again?" she asks, as she leaves a bunch of files on my desk. I grin to myself as I sit up and get back to work.


  1. Hi Preethi :). Nice to have you back.

    A nice dreamy start.. Looking forward to see more of you :)

    1. thank you for reading... :) hope to write more often too :)

  2. Hai preethi,

    What a keen observer of sound, and a day dreamer,
    Good you have started writing again
    more to come
